WordPress Transfer Bilingual

WordPress Transfer Bilingual
This work is urgent, please bid only if you can attend to this urgently, Thank you.

Current website here

Home of the new site will be here

Required for review ASAP

Site objectives:

1. Update information on their work and their organization
2. Recruit volunteers through show casing their work
3. Accept donation via PayPal

Functional requirements:

1. Word Press based
2. Integrate bbPress for forum
3. BILINGUAL (English and Vietnamese) plug in is required, will assist with Vietnamese language where needed
4. Link to PayPal account for donation

Designs and interface requirements:

1. Design similar like http://www.savethechildren.org/ but a lot simpler include
1. Across page menu with sub items
2. Banner header, rotating graphics or slide show, no flash. Graphics will be supplied
3. Left top is logo, right top is the language switch
2. Top main menu include
1. Home (features articles and updates, user registration, counter)
* Please add a counter to bottom of page somewhere as per sample http://www.buiductien.org
* Subscribe to site updates
2. About us (page)
3. You can help! (page and button to click on for direct to Contact page, with drop down menu to select “Volunteer”)
4. Events & News (this is where the posts take place, this page needs to show archives, tags, categories etc. which is to be position on the left hand side)
5. Members
1. Show case current and past members
2. Add button TAKE ACTION- Ways you can help! and direct to “You can help” page
6. Forums (bbpress)
7. Donation (page, and buttons, return to thank you page once donation is completed)
8. Contact us (form spam detection, preferred ajax instead of captcha)


1. We will supply all graphics
2. All meta data tags
3. Install Google Analytics (will supply google code)
4. Install tracker statistic (will supply tracker code)

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