Offering Website

Offering Website

The website will be a marketplace where companies and private people can register to acquire and publish assignments.

Following features contain the website:
– Profile for a company (Company name, address, Country, Tel, Fax, Email, Webseite, Branch, size, Logo, description of the company and its products/services)
– Publishing of offers (Title, when, price range, region, branch, detailed description, picture)
– Search engine for current offers and companies (branch, country, price range..)
– Possibility to save a search request and the matches will be sent by email (daily, weekly, monthly as the subscriber wishes)
– Rating of a company

The design of the page needs to be easy to navigate. For example like (top left the logo, below the navigation)

The subscriber can choose between following subscriptions: free, basic, pro (for example with paypal payment)

An admin page is neeeded, where for example these subscription types can be managed (price, number of offers a subscriber can publish simultaneously, how many search requests per week, how many saved search requests, numbers of pictures for company and number of attachments per offer, max attachment / pic size)

The page needs to support multiple languages. In the beginning only English is needed, but more languages need to be easily added for example in the admin page or in a database table.

Each search requests need to be saved in a database file.

Please give me a price and time frame for this type of project.

Preferably the website will be programmed with: HTML, PHP or Perl, Javascript and mysql only (but open for other suggestions..)

You have a clear advantage, if you already did a similar project.

Thanks a lot for your bids.

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