Fix E-commerce Site Joomla

Fix E-commerce Site Joomla
I need a programmer who’s experienced in Joomla. The previous programmer couldn’t get the website to work the way i wanted it. Here’s my website:

What I need:
1. Fix the order status module.
2. Fix the price level module.(I want the customer to be able to select a product with different options.) For example,

Product A :
10 kg – $20
20 kg – $30
30 kg – $40

3. Need to fix this. When I go into administrator/index.php to add a new product, this error comes up ” Fatal error: Class ‘JoomFishManager’ not found in /home/webincl/public_html/*****/plugins/system/jfrouter.php on line 428 ”

If you are experienced in Joomla, this should be a fairly easy project since the website is almost finished. If I like your work, I will hire you for long term. Please only bid if you are sure that you can fix these problems. I don’t want to deal with anymore headaches. Thank you for reading!

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