Two Scripts Needed

Two Scripts Needed
1) The user will see a button (image 1) that when clicked will update table ‘one’ field ‘bpo_ack’ to a value ‘1’ and field ‘bpo_ack_date’ to the current date where home_exit_id=87 and then display a button in its place (image 2). When the new button is clicked, table ‘one’ field ‘bpo_complete’ will be updated to a value of ‘1’ and field ‘bpo_complete_date’ to todays date where home_exit_id=87 and a new image will display (image 3). This last image is not active or clickable. All of this should happen without a full page refresh, so AJAX is required. This is on a php page and the final code will be placed into another active php page.

2) In table ‘one’ there is a field ‘listing_set_complete’. I need a php script that will query the table ‘documents’ for a specific set of document names in ‘doc_name’ for all home_exit_id values in table ‘one’ where one.listing_set_complete!=1. If all of the specified documents.doc_name values are found for a given home_exit_id, then one.listing_set_complete should be set to ‘1’.

The specific doc_names are:
– listing_agreement
– authorization
– taxes_last_year
– taxes_prior_year
– financial_stmt
– info_sheet
– service_agreement
– hardship_letter
– interview

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