Key Features
- Works with any .php file
- Ensures the compatibility of your scripts across varying systems
- Can force / emulate 177 php.ini settings
- Simple and easy to use
- Lightweight
Supported Settings
- precision
- y2k_compliance
- output_buffering
- output_handler
- zlib.output_compression
- zlib.output_compression_level
- zlib.output_handler
- implicit_flush
- unserialize_callback_func
- serialize_precision
- open_basedir
- highlight.string
- highlight.comment
- highlight.keyword
- highlight.default
- highlight.html
- ignore_user_abort
- max_execution_time
- memory_limit
- error_reporting
- display_errors
- display_startup_errors
- log_errors
- log_errors_max_len
- ignore_repeated_errors
- ignore_repeated_source
- report_memleaks
- report_zend_debug
- track_errors
- xmlrpc_error_number
- html_errors
- docref_root
- docref_ext
- error_prepend_string
- error_append_string
- error_log
- arg_separator.output
- variables_order
- request_order
- register_globals
- register_long_arrays
- register_argc_argv
- magic_quotes_gpc
- magic_quotes_sybase
- magic_quotes_runtime
- auto_prepend_file
- auto_append_file
- default_mimetype
- default_charset
- always_populate_raw_post_data
- include_path
- cgi.nph
- cgi.rfc2616_headers
- from
- user_agent
- default_socket_timeout
- auto_detect_line_endings
- date.default_latitude
- date.default_longitude
- date.sunrise_zenith
- date.sunset_zenith
- date.timezone
- filter.default
- iconv.input_encoding
- iconv.internal_encoding
- iconv.output_encoding
- intl.default_locale
- sqlite.assoc_case
- pcre.backtrack_limit
- pcre.recursion_limit
- pdo_odbc.connection_pooling
- phar.readonly
- phar.require_hash
- define_syslog_variables
- smtp_port
- sendmail_from
- odbc.defaultlrl
- odbc.defaultbinmode
- odbc.default_cursortype
- ibase.default_user
- ibase.default_password
- ibase.default_charset
- ibase.timestampformat
- ibase.dateformat
- ibase.timeformat
- mysql.trace_mode
- mysql.default_port
- mysql.default_socket
- mysql.default_host
- mysql.default_user
- mysql.default_password
- mysql.connect_timeout
- mysqli.default_port
- mysqli.default_socket
- mysqli.default_host
- mysqli.default_user
- mysqli.default_pw
- oci8.connection_class
- pgsql.ignore_notice
- pgsql.log_notice
- sybase.allow_persistent
- sybase.max_persistent
- sybase.max_links
- sybase.min_error_severity
- sybase.min_message_severity
- sybase.compatability_mode
- bcmath.scale
- session.save_path
- session.save_handler
- session.auto_start
- session.gc_probability
- session.gc_divisor
- session.gc_maxlifetime
- session.serialize_handler
- session.cookie_lifetime
- session.cookie_path
- session.cookie_domain
- session.cookie_secure
- session.cookie_httponly
- session.use_cookies
- session.use_only_cookies
- session.referer_check
- session.entropy_file
- session.entropy_length
- session.cache_limiter
- session.cache_expire
- session.use_trans_sid
- session.bug_compat_42
- session.bug_compat_warn
- session.hash_function
- session.hash_bits_per_character
- mssql.min_error_severity
- mssql.min_message_severity
- mssql.compatability_mode
- mssql.connect_timeout
- mssql.timeout
- mssql.textsize
- mssql.textlimit
- mssql.batchsize
- mssql.datetimeconvert
- mssql.secure_connection
- mssql.max_procs
- mssql.charset
- assert.bail
- assert.warning
- assert.callback
- assert.quiet_eval
- com.autoregister_typelib
- com.autoregister_verbose
- com.autoregister_casesensitive
- com.code_page
- mbstring.language
- mbstring.detect_order
- mbstring.http_input
- mbstring.http_output
- mbstring.internal_encoding
- mbstring.script_encoding
- mbstring.substitute_character
- mbstring.strict_detection
- gd.jpeg_ignore_warning
- exif.encode_unicode
- exif.decode_unicode_motorola
- exif.decode_unicode_intel
- exif.encode_jis
- exif.decode_jis_motorola
- exif.decode_jis_intel
- tidy.clean_output
- soap.wsdl_cache_enabled
- soap.wsdl_cache_dir
- soap.wsdl_cache_ttl
- soap.wsdl_cache
- soap.wsdl_cache_limit
- dba.default_handler
This item will ensure the compatibility across varying systems by setting many of the common php.ini
values that cause problems to values that you choose. This is a very common problem when developing
code that is intended to be distributed and this item will make this problem very easy to solve.
If there are any problems with this item, the best place to ask is in the forum as I check that at least once a day.