Joomla Virtuemart Css Website

Joomla Virtuemart Css Website
I have a Joomla e-commerce website currently in developement and I need some CSS work and a few components configred.

I am not looking for someone to do the framework of the entire site. This project does not include linking any of the menu items or uploading or editing any products into virtuemart. I can take care of all of that stuff. This project is mostly concerned with the layout of the site. I will take care of all of the content.

*All of the logos and products listed on the screenshots are for testing & developement purposes only. We are not affilated with any of the brands listed nor are we selling any of their products.*

The ideal canidate will be able to create joomla templates from photoshop .psd files. We are a graphics design firm with multiple clients in need of new websites. I have multiple websites lined up after this site to produce and if this project works out well I would like to work with the same programmer on all of our joomla websites. This will comes down to the quality, speed, price and level of commnication.

There are 6 screen shots:

The V1.jpg images are scren shots of a rough estimate of what the site will look like once it is completed. The screen shots are set to 930px wide (wrong size)– actual site is 980px wide (correct size)– need to adapt what is on the V1.jpg images to the actal 980px wide website.

The current.jpg images are screen shots of the site how it is now.

homepageV1.jpg = finished
homepage-current = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the homepageV1.jpg

Need Homepage CSS to match screen shot
• Background with black border
• Main logo positioned correctly
• Search bar positioned correctly and image and css to match
• Brand scroller arrows to match
• main menu – mens, womens, accessories etc. (hover over needs to drop down horizontally into submenu)
• submenu – help, gift cards, catalog etc. – positioned to the left
• top menu – view cart, check out, live help etc.
• Already have the live help module installed, need it configured
• Translator – joomfish already installed, needs to be configured
• Do not worry about linking menu items, I will handle linking the menu items
• Virtuemart cherry picker for side bar catagories. Needs to be installed and CSS Configred – module found here:

brandpageV1.jpg = finished
brandpagecurrent = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the brandpageV1.jpg

We need to setup one brand page with CSS and coding to be the example. We will go through and add all of the brands once the example has been set on the site.

Need Brand Page CSS to match screen shot
• Bread crumbs above Brand Banner “Brand > (Brand Name)”
• Brand Banner
• “Brand Info” below the banner. This text links to brand a brand article that we will create. “Get Brand Alerts” we are still developing this feature and it is not yet ready, it does not need to be coded into the site.
• Brand Logo “Brand Name”
• Sorting options – able to sort and filter the selections.
• We will be taking new photos of the products to match the correct photo demensions – we will upload the photos.
• Product image ic clickable and links to the product page – set on catagorie flypage
• Product numbering and next page buttons on bottom of page

ProductPagev1.jpg = Finished
productpagecurrent = page as it currently stands. Needs to be modified to match the productpageV1.jpg

Need Product Page CSS to match screen shot
• Ad Banner above product page
• Product picture with hover over image magnifying (already done)
• Next to image “check out more (Brand Logo)” links to the brands page
• Available in Colors: (images link to correct color product page) similar to current drop down box but instead we want the colored pictures
• Sizing and fit info pops up a light box. We will fill in the info for the popup lightbox.
• Share this button allows for sharing product on social sites including myspace, facebook, twitter etc…
• Select size drop down box
• Product cost and add to cart buttons
• Currency convertor similar to changes total price to correct currency. Google has this
• More info box
• And product reviews.

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