Square Foot Calculator

Square Foot Calculator
I have a need for a square foot calculator for Virtuemart running under joomla 1.5

in essence I need them to choose a width, a width fraction, a length, a length fraction and then do the math L x W / 144 x Price

so a blind that is a 34.00 x 72.00 should be 34×72=2448 / 144 = 17 x price

This is for 1 product entry in virtuemart, I would like it to be installed as a component for virtuemart

here is the link to the working calculator under oscommerce which we are phasing out http://www.webuildblinds.com/cart/product_info.php?products_id=49

I need the following drop down boxes

Width: Variables will be from 7 to 72

Width Fraction: .00 to .75

Length: variable will be from 12 to 84

Length Fraction:


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