Codeignite Live Broadcast/onde

Codeignite Live Broadcast/onde
Don’t just send me a list of websites. All bids that do this will be automatically rejected.

SITE: Live Broadcasting with recording and Ondemand Streaming

BUDGET: $1,500
$100 BONUS if you keep to deadlines and finish on time.

Payment is broken down into modules, as each is completed uploaded to my server, tested and approved, money is released.

All applicants must provide websites showing streaming experience – live broadcasting and/or ondemand. Reference checks will be done on websites given as reference.

Provider is required to set up a streaming server on buyer’s website using RED5 0.8 and latest FFMPEG for encoding video files for dynamic delivery (creating 5 .flv files for different internet connection).

Provider must have Code Igniter because the site is in CodeIgniter, RED5 and FFMPEG experience. These modules are building on existing structure. All modules are interconnected with each other and intensive ecommerce viewable on Window IE and Mozilla and Macintosh. Detailed document for each module and jpgs of page layouts will be shared with the provider chosen.

1. Install and optimal configuration of FFMPEG and RED5 (streaming server) on a linux dedicated server for streaming on the website which includes live broadcasting and OnDemand movie/video and audio streaming.

2. Producer/Presenter (PP) Membership feeds all OnDemand content and 30% of Live Broadcasting shows. PP is heavy with file uploads, two-way payments, reports, tracking, reviews, ratings and DVD sales. All done in codeigniter 1.7, Web 2.0

3. Ondemand – a codeigniter interface has been built for approved members to upload 700M – 1.5G movie/video files. These files need to be encoded for dynamic delivery (5 formats which is automatically selected dependent on visitor’s internet connection.) H264 and VP6 quality. Member can pay for a movie with reward points, gift certificates, etc. Admin payment to producers for content sales need to be setup, as well as, producer payment to buyer for copyright registration and piracy protection. Reporting of content payments, viewing statistics needs to be setup.

4. Live Broadcasting- Streaming from over 30 locations around the world with 10+ broadcasting at the same time. Save streaming content every 5 minutes so all of broadcast is not lost should there be interruption in connection. These saved live broadcasts in turn become ondemand offerings for those who missed the live broadcast. The streaming files should also be done with dynamic delivery, H264 and VP6 quality. I need education here as to how the live broadcasting should be so it is efficient. Members can schedule, pay for public and private broadcast. Those who miss the live broadcast can pay and watch the recording as ondemand.

5. Provide a way for providers developing other modules to pass their video uploads to red5/ffmpeg for encoding and transcoding, then files back.

Thanks for your attention.

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