WordPress Installation Script

WordPress Installation Script

I would like a WordPress installation script that has two interfaces:

1) for an admin

The features available to admin:
– can create wordpress packages
– can add themes to a package.
– can add plugins to a package.
– can view and search existing blog installations.

2) for a subscriber

(I already have a membership software installed, so no need to create a user registration or sign up process. Just link the following details to the member’s username). When a subscriber logs in, they can see two areas.

a) Top section has a list of existing blog installations that they have done before. The blog name will link to the blog, then you have a link to the wp-admin, username and password for that blog.

b) The bottom section, there’s a form they can fill in to install a new blog. Including: their cpanel details and other info like blogurl, Installation Folder, blog title, blog tagline, blog keywords, their email and then their choice of child theme.

When they click on the install button, the script will:
– create MySql database with random name ans user will access to database
– install the latest wordpress version incl generating all authentication unique keys
– set a random table prefix (not wp_)
– set a strong password for admin
– install and activate theme and child theme chosen by subscriber
– install and activate plugins that have been set by the admin.
– remove the default hello world post, default comment and default blogroll
– set permalink to /%postname%/

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