Gejosoft Modify (flickr-like)
i have purchase the following product.
i would like to have some modification.
All field support by uft8, like title, description, add note,tag and so on.
Rating: 1-10 stars
Sort by rating
After click “zoom”, there is a button or link to click “return”
Profile’s comments can be like or unlike by other registered user.
The order of profile’s comments can be sorted by likeness or unlikness.
Photo’s comment can be like or unlike by other registered user.
The order of profile’s comments can be sorted by likeness or unlikness.
Google map can be set as default zoom level.
Geolocation can be set as default zoom level.
Search field: option:title, description, add note, tag.
In the all page of left hand side, can insert the banner and google adsense.
Banner size is configurable.
Default number of upload photos can be set
One more friend increase the number of photo can be set
Additional page can be add like term of use,privacy, advertisment enquiry, about us, contact us in top toolbar and footer.
Additional page can be add through backend or frontend(administrator only) by html editor.
Postion of photos comments change to just below the description of photo rather than image link code.
After click one tag, it shows thumbs of photos, also show the rating in form of stars (include number of voter) above the photo but below the title
have google analytics
In my map, user can move marker rather than just enter the address
Also, solve the server to display png format correctly.
full member management
insert addthis button below photo in detail views
import photos from picasa, flickr, some main photo website
add category for photos such as coupon (photos), the corresponding field can allow user to fill, such as expiry date, and these field can be sort and searchable.