Expert Cs-cart
I have CS-Cart in which if a customer selects a product and registers her/his profile, the customer will get an error stating “Your cart is empty, so you cannot proceed to checkout”. We need this fixed ASAP.
Also when I have paypal enabled, the payment request for credit card information before going to paypal. We need this fixed as well.
Please test the first part to make sure you can fix this quickly. If you can not fix quickly then you are not the person for the job.
MUST HAVE JAVA Script and AJAX Experience
Please also note I will not pay for effort, ONLY results. So, if you spend 80 hours on this project and produce nothing – I will pay nothing.
Also please note that this problem is random, does not happen to all users so it may be hard to duplicate, however, I am available for duplicating the issue. The problem occurs on 3 machines I have IE7 and IE8, but the problem does not occur on Firefox browser.
this is a small budget job
I could recommend excellent service of CS-Cart development.
There are professional higher developers of CS-Cart stores.
They could make and changes, new modules, modifications, skins you need.
Alternative CS-Cart development here: