Drupal Server Setup

Drupal Server Setup
Please get our Drupal site working again today.

We recently upgraded our server for a Drupal website. The hosting staff assured us that there would be no changes. However, there was an error. This is what they said:
“When we turned ON display_errors in php.ini, we received the following message

“The mysql error was: Unable to use the MySQL database because the MySQL extension for PHP is not installed. Check your <code>php.ini</code> to see how you can enable it..”

Though the database/user/password settings are correct in the “settings.php” file, the website states that there is some problem with those settings. Also take a look at: http://www.synotrip.com/phpinfo.php. If you take a look at the configuration, you will see “–without-mysql”.

This states that, php is not compiled with mysql resulting in the “site_offline” message. If PHP was compiled manually, could you please recompile it again with “‘–with-mysql'” option and see if it helps.”

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