Mail Is Jammed

I need help today! I recently higher a webmaster on this forum to develop a new script to send out mass-mail from my website. (Social Dating Site) The webmaster finished the project, but now my current server that my website is hosted on only allows 2,000 emails to be sent out per day. I did not know this, and now my mail is some how jammed up my site to where nothing is sending after trying to send 25K mails 2 days ago. All the mail has stopped completely on the site with over 50,000 active members! I think there are thousands of emails in the “mail queue” somewhere in the FTP, if so, I need them deleted. I think that the mail is blocking new mail from going out. I need someone to fix this today.
(the webmaster that higher on here is not answering his mail….. I cannot wait )

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