Advertising Network 2
This job involves programming an Advertising Network to run on my server where my website visitors can easily place ads to advertise on any of my my websites, paying a monthly fee for the ad.
The ad can be customized the way the example site does it and will run in the same location and same size as the announcement about the availability of advertising on the site in upper right of screen.
All features on the example site are needed, including the same user ad customization ability, same payment options, the ability of myself to set the monthly ad cost from a control panel – which I will do based on traffic the site gets, and doing everything else the example site does during the ad design, placement, ordering and paying process. Exacty the same steps and process being done by the example sites.
As far as actually inserting the ad on the target site goes you will note if you follow an example site that is done automatically and in real-time so that function would need to be programmed too.
A good way to see what is involved would be to go to an example site and in the upper right corner you will see the box announcing ad space availability. I suggest you click on the box, complete the forms to see what is involved.
Once I select you as my programmer you may actually place an ad yourself (I will give you the 5 lines of ad copy) and you can follow all the screens which come up from start to finish placing the ad on one of their sites. In the meantime you can simply follow all the screens at the example site until you get to the point of submitting the order after entering your credit card info.
After you are hired you can actually place the order so you can see all their screen in the ad placement and ordering process. I can then reimburse you the ad cost by PayPal of the ad you placed.
Example websites you can look at are: or
Here are 2 other example sites running the same Ad Network I would like cloned: and