Whmcs Module – Script

Whmcs Module – Script
We are looking for someone to develop an advanced module or php script for the billing system WHMCS.

We would like this module to be able to interact with the Magento Coomerce script we have developed in the past. Script has simple form, and is able to install fresh magento commerce on the fly (as personalized demo store for our clients).

We need someone do connect this scipit with whmcs in a way to:
– webiste visitor will fill simple php form on our site (we will collect: email, first and last name, phone, and desired username (username will serv as subdomain.ourddomain.com).
– this form go to whmcs via whmcs api (more at: http://wiki.whmcs.com/API) as a new order, and also new client will be created
– whmcs will activate this order as son as it gets it. Our magento demo will be predefinder product in whmcs, and there will aslo be a predefined email template that will be send to a client promptly afer demo store is created.

You will get full (root) cpanel acces to our server, full admin to our developer whmcs licence, in oder to get job done.

I just want to point out, that we do have a working sicrpt that create magento commerce demo store, we just need kind of a bridge or a connection in order this script will work with whmcs.

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