Ldap Dns Dhcp

Ldap Dns Dhcp
First of all , this is documemt writing project requires Systems administration skills ,LDAP , DNS and DHCP skills,

I’m interesting in 3 seperate documents from experts in the feilds.

before requesting the document : I have a PC , Solaris 10 x86 installed on this PC as a server and i have laptop as a client ,I need the following:

1- A Document which should explain in details what is DNS , what is required to setup DNS , how to setup DNS in that PC and how to test that DNS ??? i have laptop as client , you need to explain how to connect the laptop to the PC and test DNS in details.

2- A Document which should explain in details what is DHCP, what is required to setup DHCP, how to setup DHCP in that PC and how to test that DHCP??? i have laptop as client , you need to explain how to connect the laptop to the PC and test DHCP in details.

The third Document is different :

3- I want to send RFP and RFQ for LDAP setup? i need to write a business case and user requirement for LDAP ?? so whats LDAP ? why LDAP ?? What is my requirement in LDAP from all prespectives ??? i need for this subject an expert in LDAP ???? so the document write of this document should be expert so he can help me in defining my requirement in the LDAP setup ??? in design , specfification , implementation , and specific features which you think in important …. it is good to know that LDAP will be used by external customers to the company so high availabilty is very important ….etc This document should be clear enough and have all the requirmenets which should be ready to be submitted to a vendor who should understand all the requirments and come up with a proposal with different LDAP , as i know there different products.

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