Php Upload Plus

Php Upload Plus
Upload script with 2 different admin dashboards:

I currently have the ability to upload to a server using php,
I would like to add some additional functions to the upload script.
(current upload script will be provided to you)

Additional functions required:

Username / pass code:
To upload a document/item, the user will input a name and pass code, then click “upload”.
This will provide the upload script with the individual route to that specific user’s private folder address on

our server.

Let me clarify that,
the user “john doe” has a login code e.g. “1234567”
This tells the upload script where to upload to.
i.e. “folder 1234567” (but the numbers cannot match of course).

Admin Panel 1:
I, as the administrator, need to be able to set up / activate accounts:

Account setup –
User will already have filled in form with details previous to this –
Name – email – contact number – company name – saved to database.

I search by name or email to retrieve previous user data and then auto create user pass code,
also create associated Folder for user on our secure server.
This information is sent to user from admin panel.

Ability to view / edit:
* user profiles / login details / folder info

After uploading document{s}
User is allowed to:
>> View documents uploaded (script already completed) >

New Addition:

>>User – Admin Panel 2:
The user is the only person who can view uploaded documents online.
We need admin panel so that the user can allow access to 3rd party and limit the time the 3rd party have access to the documents.
E.g. 1 day / by date:

* Allow a guest to view your documents for a limited time period via user admin panel
* sort / delete documents
* adupdate profile

experienced people only please apply, cannot give new scripter access to this particular project.

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