Recruitment System

Recruitment System
We are a recruitment specialist and we own a database and a website. Our database was developed in MySql 5 and Delphi 7 and has over 40000 records of people stored in it, with about 150 new registrants each day. Our website gets up to 1200 visitors each day. These two applications (i.e the database and website) interact and feed from each other in a rather manual way. This interaction involves loading vacancies from the database onto the website and downloading online applications from job seekers and save them into the database. We are now considering the alternative of web enabling our database so that the two applications automatically interact and thus allow our registrants to access the database and update their records online. In addition, this will also allow us to telecommute. We are looking for persons who can help us achieve this goal and develop such an integrated and web enabled system.

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