Need A Photo Hosting Website

Need A Photo Hosting Website
I need a new twitter image hosting website. it will have few internal pages, I have the back-end software that will do all the back-end processing and I am in need of the graphic design, html/CSS and also to modify jquery slideshow plugin (more detail on it below). You will design the layout of front page, the logo, and a prototype for the internal pages.

The front page should be simple: a logo, an upload photo field, the slideshow (I provide the code, take a look at, a bird image (will provide that too), and a footer. THe design should be slick and very attractive. The logo and overall look should have a twitter-like look.

Internal pages: we can talk about that later

logo: needs to be original and catchy looking

slideshow: I have a running slideshow at, you will have to modify this script to do the following:

1- add auto-play, so users won’t have to click to see the next photo, but the pictures will be pulled through Json/ajax from the database, and these recent photos will have to automatically feed the slide-show. Right now if you click on the middle picture, it will zoom-out and display a caption, we will have to change that so that when someone clicks on the middle picture, it will link to the internal page instead of zooming. Also I would like the caption to be at the bottom and display the number of picture’s comments pulled from the database and the submitter’s name. Now you have to click on the blue arrow when the picture is zoomed-out to see the caption, we will need to change that and display the caption automatically.

Please note, all the CSS needs to be TABLELESS (no tables)

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