Urban Video Website.

Urban Video Website.
We need the same or similar template design layout like Worldstarhiphop.com
Please Include previous work demos in the area video music websites or social networking sites and explain in detail what you have done and what you can do to make this a successfully project.

Due to bad experience in past with coders not able to finish our project or taking way too long, we don’t do upfront payment no more, till we see the project completed, first, either on your server or our server.

You must have experience in this. No sloppy coding. If your template. Slicing skills is bad or ugly. PLEASE, don’t bid.

Here are extra feature that is needed:

– MYSQL injection Proof
– Option to show featured video on the index when needed.
– Video Grabber option from popular websites
– Yahoo Pipes API
– Advertising system
– Template system (Adaptable for change)
– AJAX for the search bar.
– Codes will be clean
– System should handle 80K or more users at the same time.
– Codes should be safe and system should not get affected against hacking and introducing.
– Customise player with our website logo hard coded into player / Make our flash player same as (FLV fetcher)

– Our Flash player should be able to embed and stream videos from:

* Veoh.com (full movie)
* Youtube.com
* Ning.com
* Google.com
* Tudou.com
* Megavideo.com
* Youku.com
* 56.com
* Facebook
* All the Downloadable FLVs from any website

– The project must be cross-browser optimized; so it’s compatible with all current web browsers.
– Have knowledge of caching at all places you can find.
– Have open mind of saving bandwidth and fast loading.
– The site needs to be translated to other languages besides English (Multi-language support )
– Must have the SAME features of wordstarhiphop.com

– Ability to check all the videos listed on our site are working.

– Admin panel, when we add a new video, and when we enter the flv file location. We ask that when we press submit button it, will automatically download the flv file and store it in a folder on our website and after it does that. We ask that just in case the flv url we added, does not work anymore. That it will replace the flv file with the one in our server. So we ask that on admin panel, if we press a button that checks all videos for dead flv url. We may press the button every week. If it finds dead flv urls. it will replace all the dead videos with the flv files that it automatically downloaded and stored on our server.

– Search box on video pages, when people are searching, can you add a option to sort by date, and sort by hits, sort by artist name, make images more smaller on search results, more organized searches words from title of video, and description.

– Make a submission page, Where they have to be logged in to be able to submit videos, where on the forum it will have these boxes: like Name: \”There logged in name of course\”
* Email:
* Title Of Video:
* Description of Video:
* Url Of Image:
* Video Url:
* Then the submit button
* This should then displayed on our admin panel, of awaiting to be accepted, Where if we want the video displayed. We can edit video url the url of the image, and anything they entered , and we click on approved, If we approved the video, it will be automatically displayed, and when viewing the video, have text saying Submitted By: \”There Logged In Username\” and on their user control panel it will show how many video summation they got accepted.

– Also would like on admin panel, when we add a new video, it will have a box that we can enter for artist name, and when viewing the video it will show underneath hits Artist: \”Artist Name\”

– Make sure the maximum characters for username is 50 and maximum characters they can enter is 600
– We want to be able to add a featured video at the top of site, So instead of having it automatically change to newest video , we choose which video to feature.

-We want on admin panel a feature, (like a box) that says \”show video on video home page\” and if we don’t place a check on it, then it won’t show that video on latest videos index page for an example see Worldstarhiphop.com

– Section for most viewed video, and most commented (discussed video) (you can create a new page called Stats, and it will show these stats. as well as for competitors.

– A video bar, like here http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/index.php they can select which videos from our channels, like unsigned hype, Most viewed videos, most recent videos ) and can use the video bar to embded on their website/myspace, twitter, facebook etc..

– On Comments, it shows as latest comment at the top of video. Can you switch that around to show the 1st comment on that video to always remain at the top
– Different rss feeds for categories/channels.
– On our embded video links If we place the embded url on the web browser, it shows the exact flv url of the video, We ask that you make a way where it hides that flv url to that video.

– No register or member login box required, Guest will be able to leave their comments freely on the video play page see ex: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhA465X593xUTK9Z63
however we will be able to Ban Abusive Guest via IP etc.

– We also want a dead Video? Report it link when viewing video, where they can click on dead video, and it will check to see if the flv url is actually dead. If flv is actually dead. Then it will send us an email and replace the video, with the one that was automatically downloaded and added on server, if we ever did that

– The layout for our viewing videos page, the colour we would like it like

– We need in our admin panel a way to add rmtp streams liike and it will play on our player, like a way to rip. hotlink rtmp streams. like if we enter this info for one video on admin panel

– Also would like on admin panel, when we add a new video, it will have a box that we can enter for artist name, and when viewing the video it will show underneath hits
Artist: \”Artist Name\”

– On description box when viewing video Make the artist name clickable which will show the artist bio info . On admin panel make a page where we can edit artists bio and add bio of artist example: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh7Dngi5MM6DMN0S62

– People can view flv url location through Firefox, Google Chrome, view source page, or Internet explorer. We don’t want that. Hide the flv source location urls somehow, by making it encrypted or something.

– Mask our urls so people can’t find the source link to the flv video url, when they click on \”view source\” they cant find the flv url

– Under Comments Add this disclaimer message

DISCLAIMER: You are solely responsible for the comments and other content that you post. WhosDatedWho.com accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with or arising from such content.

– When making new layout, or using the one we have, you have to move things around to make Ad space room for these type of adbanners

– Banners 468×60 CPM/CPC
– Skyscrapers 160×600,120X600 CPM/CPC
– Leaderboards 728×90 CPM/CPC
– Medium Rectangles 300×250 CPM/CPC
– Pop Unders, Various Sizes / CPM only
– AdFlys® (Floating Ads) 300×300 ** / CPM only / One ad per user per twenty-four hours


We ask the only think you keep in same place is featured video and comment page, close by one another, and the videos below to be shown by data, example http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh7Dngi5MM6DMN0S62

– Also we would like this banner ad space when viewing video and going to edit there profile. like
http://i32.tinypic.com/jl1lj4.jpg same for viewing video

– When viewing video place this big comment pic under video So people can See Comments

– If you can create something like this pic http://i29.tinypic.com/9blk69.jpg
and for each comment. We would like Quotations marks around each comment, to stand out more like http://i31.tinypic.com/30kyp8p.jpg

– Also for commenting. Make sure they can’t add any urls. like .com http:// www. so we can prevent spam. and make it hack proof like how we have now. where they cant enter any html coding, javascript. php and more

– We only want 2 Layout colours to professional organized, like example http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/index.php

– Of course must be search engine friendly!

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