Flash Quiz Game Enhancement
I recently purchased the source code for a flash quiz game which needs some enhancing. The .fla file is written in ActionScript 2.0. The game works in practice but I would like it to be a bit stronger. The key skills required are PHP, MySQL and Adobe Flash. The following areas require enhancement:
– Email validation needed for the high score system and “Challenge a friend” system to ensure that a user can enter an email address in the format, currently a user can not enter text or can enter any text and the game will accept (not acceptable)
– IP address tracking when a player enters a high score,
– IP address tracking and Name tracking for “challenge a friend” in backoffice
– “BAD words” filter on the “Challenge a friend” NAME input field
– Bonus score feature which is calculated as the time remaining on the countdown timer when a question is answered correctly and this bonus score is added to the total score (no bonus if question answer is not correct)
– Fix on the game where the “Play Again” should go to the instruction page and not as currently
– Enhance the “BAD words” filter on the high scores system so that if a player enters a prohibited name or a name already on the database a loop is created so that they enter an appropriate name
– Enhance the high scores system so that if a high score is beaten an email is sent to the current high score holder to notify them that their score has been beaten (and a bcc to the site email address).
I would like to work with someone who has worked on a similar job (Flash Quiz Games) and is experienced in Adobe Flash, ActionScript 2.0, PHP and MySQL.
I will provide the source files to the winning bidder and I will require a non-disclosure agreement.
Good luck.