Cubecart 3 Admin Mods

Cubecart 3 Admin Mods
We are using a heavily modified version of cubecart to run an entertainers portal. To turn cubecart into a multi user portal we installed an exisiting modification.

The modification was designed to have affiliate sellers, ie a seller can create an account with limited admin access to list and sell products on a cubecart site.

In our case they add one product each (language files but not programming have been editied to change product to profile)

We almost have things how we want them but need a few last changes.

The modification for multi use access uses a dashboard include file. One dashboard is displayes for super admin the other is for user.

The admin area also has an admin nav include for the left of the page.

We would like it so that when the users log in they do not see the admin nav include at all just the users dashboard include.
The users dashboard will need modifying as follows:

1. Currenly it has a link showing how many profiles(products) the user has so it is reading that from somewhere, we would like that replacing with a link that says “Edit your profile” which will link to the actual profile/product edit page eg


The dashboard will already have coding to recognise the users listings so it just needs the link creating with the correct variables.

2. If the user has no profile then the link should say “Create your profile” and link to

3. Finally we want a link adding that says “view your profile” which will open the actual profile(product) as it appears on the site in a new window will be something like


Obviously if they have no profile(product) this link will be hidden.

These are only little coding modifications most of the work has been done already NO SILLY BIDS PLEASE THEY WILL JUST BE REMOVED.

Happy Bidding

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