Rss Css & Search

Rss Css & Search
I require a programmer to complete the following tasks. They’ve been explained in brief detail, i’ll go into more detail upon request. Please try to complete the tasks in the order they’re set out, bonus paid for time completed and successfulness of tasks.

– Update Crontab and make sure stores expire on the correct dates. Currently this is setup to run threw plesk but we need this to work threw root due to various reasons?

– In store, studio, artist, listener and application form can you make sure the Turning Number they enter clears if they click to continue and they get it wrong?

– In a products category can we make sure its random stores then random products in the .inc? For example on this page it always shows the same 25 products and just randomises them, it should randomise the whole 66. This is only because its only showing the one stores products on the first page?:

– On the home page can you make it show 5 random products from any category? This will be ‘Latest Viewed Products’. Please could you add on the bottom right, ‘View All Product Categories’ linking to /products/. Once a user logs in it should show the ‘Latest Player Tracks’ instead of the products that are currently shown now. Please see product.png

– Please make sure all accounts are automatically signed out after a period of time, the same as in the administration area or how ever long the current setting is.


– if you search for Obnimi which is a track, It shows this in the suggestions as Obnimi (off.on) live which works fine. If you click this and click search it says there are no search results, I think this is since we’ve added the ‘no search results’? It also shows this track as 37mins long? I’ve tried this with other track searches and they to are showing the wrong times. If you search for How Did You you’ll notice its showing the duration 8:45?

– If you type ‘How did you’ it’s showing the same suggestion twice?? I have no idea why as this doesn’t seem to happen with any others.

– Also for some reason it is showing accounts that haven’t become active yet, there was an artist that registered and they appeared in suggestions and searche ersults even though they aren’t active. If you de-activate a store or studio it still appears in the search, same for its products/sample tracks. Please update this as the old search method we had this working.


– In firefox the ‘Lets Go’ button won’t align with the boxes above? Please fix this issue, I think this needs adding into the css. If possible after entering your password you can just press enter? At the moment you have to click the lets go button.

– For some reason the height of the Search button is 21px but when viewed in Firefox its 20px?

– For some reason both the watch and sample watch pages seem to be 9px to the right when compared to the other pages when viewed in Firefox. I’m not sure whether this is to do with the script on the page or the css? Also on profile pages the whole website moves downwards but when you refresh it goes back to normal. This could be a Firefox issue as none of these happen in IE.

– when you reply to a comment on the sample/track pages can it appear at the top like a normal post but at the beginning of the sentence can it say ‘at'<username they’re replying to> then what ever they wanted to say? ‘at’ being the A used for email addresses. Instead of it appearing below the comment with a | – or –

Just noticed that the Spam button isn’t working? Please fix.

– Make the Reply button appear when a user is logged in?


– Can we remove the ‘Short Text’ box and context completely so that when it displays the short text it will show the first 100 letters of the Full text? or what ever the current short text length is.

– As we discussed the News needs to be re-organised so News we have already posted we can change with the tick boxes?

– If possible I would like to have the following tick box options in the admin area for news we post:
Listeners – Will only appear on the listeners home page
Artists – Will only appear on the artists home page
Studios – Will only appear on the studios home page
Stores – Will only appear on the stores home page

Account News – This will post on the public News

Public – This will post the news onto the RSS Feed and not onto the Account News.


– The website use to produce an RSS Feed for our news, so we’re going to introduce the current RSS which will display our news if we tick the news public, studio news, store news (except for product news) all on one RSS feed.

– I would also like to create an individual RSS for each store and studio account. The product news for stores will also appear on their RSS. A link in the store/studio profile should appear below their last 5 news posts saying ‘View RSS Feed’. A button on the left should also appear linking to their RSS feed. We also need to add a link to the RSS in each file, for example if they’re viewing the contact form there needs to be a link.

– You may need to create a new folder in the httpdocs called rss to store all the news? You can find the current file in httpdocs called latest-news.xml.

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