Classifieds Script Modificatio

Classifieds Script Modificatio
We are currently resetting up our classifieds script and would like a few modifications made to it.

We have set it up now so that each state/city pulls from a different database thus reducing the load on a single database and other things.

1. We have an optional members section for the classifieds script, a user can post an add with or without being a member but being a member ads some functionality. We would like all of the members to come from one database and retain the functionality that it still does.

2. We would like to have an automatic repost option added to the script. The script already allows for featured ads and extended ads but we would like to be able to have an option that we can charge for to auto repost.

3. We would like to be able to charge different amounts for the featured ads in each subcategory. Currently you have to charge the same for all of the featured ads, but we would like to be able to charge different amounts depending on the city and subcategory.

4. Lastly we would like a discount code added the the script so that we can give discounts and promotional codes. This should allow for multiple discount codes and promotions that we add.

All of the above should work with our current check out process where it applies.

This should be fairly easy and straight forward for someone knowledgeable in these areas. We say this because most of the functionality is already there it just needs some tweaking and a bit of code modification.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us.
Happy bidding.

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