Multiple Suppliers Module

Multiple Suppliers Module
Our suppliers keeps a file in .xls or CSV format in a password protected directory that is updated every day and is periodically assigned a new password to access it. The products in the list and in our product database need to be synchronized every day to disable discontinued products and adjust price changes that take effect from the .xls or CSV file. We also will have a margin table lookup file that will have to be cross referenced in order to determine the correct pricing. Below is an example of the process:
Get file from supplier directory -> Apply prices based on margins set in lookup file -> Set prices accordingly and disable discontinued items in Magento Cart.

Example 1: After automatically logging in and moving the .xls or CSV file to our server, the synch process should begin. A product is listed in the .xls or csv file, and has a base price set at $ 19.99. It has a product number of ‘123456′. The product has a manufacturer code of ‘123′. During the synchronization, the script should analyze the manufacturer, then cross reference with our margin table by manufacturer code, (for this example manufacturer code ‘123′ has a markup of 15%.) It would then apply the markup to the base price and set the price of the product on Magento Cart at $ 22.99 (rounding up to the nearest $ 0.99). It would then move to the next product.

Example 2: The script comes across a product in the .xls or csv file with a note that says ‘DISC’. It would automatically disable the product in Magento Cart.

III. Important Fields:

Supplier .xls file –
SUPPLIER_NUMBER = the identifier for a specific manufacturer, which will be used to apply margins
STOCK_CODE = this identifies the product within the MagentoCart product database
SELLING_PRICE = this is the base price that will be adjusted by the margin lookup file
DISCONTINUED = if blank, this product is still current. If it contains the value ‘DISC’, it should be taken off of the site
NOTE: If there are any products that are on the .xls sheet, but not in the Magento Cart already, it should output them into a single .xls file

Margin Table Lookup File –
SUPPLIER_NUMBER = the identifier for a specific manufacturer, which will be used to apply margins
MARGIN = This will be a number between 0-100 that will determine what needs to be added to a product.
(equation: roundtonearest99cents(baseprice x 1.(MARGIN)) = newprice)
NOTE: The Margin Table Lookup File only contains Suppliers and their margins. Individual products will not be included in this file.

IV. Multiple Supplier Integration:

This project also needs to be expandable to other suppliers that we have, so that changes can be made to files or settings in the Magento Cart admin.

For the admin, we want to have an extra field for each product that lets us select the supplier of that product from a dropdown menu. Each product is assigned to a particular supplier. This is the supplier which will then get an email once that particular product has been bought. It should be simple to change the supplier if we buy the same product from another supplier. When importing products should be automatically assigned to the supplier of the products uploaded.

There should be a list of the Multiple suppliers which you can click to get to the product list of the particular supplier.
There should be a list of manufacturers which you can click to get to a product list of the manufacturer.

Manual Pricing Options to be added to the Admin: Ability to manually override the Price on each product or en mass by checking all products for a supplier

1. Flat Dollar Amount Markup: For this option – the dollar amount to add to your wholesale cost for all products for a flat dollar amount profit margin.

2.Flat Percentage Markup: For this option – the percentage to use for all of your products to add to the cost. For example, if your margin is 30% and a product costs $100, your retail price will be set at $130.

3. Dollar Amount Markup: the dollar amount settings based on the wholesale cost of the item. The cost tiers to use and the price markup you want to associate with each tier. For example, from $0-20 add $5, from $21-50 add $11, and so on.

4.Tiered Percentage Markup: Tier your percentage settings based on the wholesale cost of the item. The cost tiers to use and the percentage markup you want to associate with each tier. For example, from $0-20 add 50%, from $21-50 add 45%, and so on.

5.MSRP Pricing: Base the pricing relative to the MSRP of each product. You can specify a dollar amount or percentage to discount from the MSRP, or you can have your pricing set to the actual MSRP. Include any discount below that price if you want one.

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