Mega Torus Pro | Geometry Generator (Tools)

If like me, you find the Maya torus to be lacking in basic features, then MegaTorus is for you. What started out as a basic torus generator – capable of dialing both major and minor sweeps, became a tool of expansive application. In plain, it is a highly variable Torus and Pipe generator, simlar to the basic Torus but with many more features. Check the images and the video for a breakdown on how to use MegaTorus Pro – all features are consolidated into the channel box.

  Generate pipe fittings for architectural needs
  Create arcing tubes or horns of any dimension
  Create spirals
  Create Arcing or flat surfaces to generate FX
  Model elements of musical instruments
  Create a mobius strip
  Edit subobject points for full customization
  All the same features as the nurbs Torus, with several MEGA features

Download Mega Torus Pro | Geometry Generator (Tools)

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