The following files are included:
- 1.Virtual Studio
- Contains the screen footage,You can add the announcer to use directly.
- 2.Virtual Studio 109V3_Background.png:
- This is a png image that does not contain the screen footage.
- 3.Virtual Studio 109V3_Light box.png:
- Easy to set the light box colors.
- 4.Virtual Studio 109V3_Track matte.png:
- Easy to replace your screen footage and produce a reflection on the floor.
- 5.Virtual Studio 109V3_Z Depthh.png:
- Can increase Depth of Field ,use in “blur lens” with After Effects.
- Resolution:3840×2160
- Format:Quick Time
- Video Codec:Photo-JEPG
Important note:
The music from the preview is not included,find it here:
Material links:
270°panoramic virtual studio by Element 3D:
Virtual Studio 103
270°panoramic virtual studio by Element 3D:
Virtual Studio 103