Promote you business or site with this great Kinetic text template,include 2 version, one with placeholders and one
with only text.
Need Support?
First and foremost, thanks for purchasing one of my files, I truly appreciate it!,The template comes with an video help file to help you understand how it works. However, if you are a beginner and do not know anything on how to customize the template i can help you, once you purchased the template feel free to contact me, I’ll be happy to help. If you have any problems or have questions ,Contact me here
- Preview Full HD Version 1
- Preview Full HD Version 2
- After Effects CS4
- 1920×1080 FULL HD Resolution
- V1 35sec long
- V2 32sec long
- V1-3 placeholders for images and 15 text’s placeholder’s
- V1-Great music from AGKSoundZ
- V2-15 text’s placeholder’s
- V2-Great music from Sonolabs
- Videohelp included
- Free Rondalo font download here
- Free Molot font download here
- Change color’s easy with controls
- Render time 25 minutes, mp4(H.264) in a Quad Core Q6600 8gb of ram
- Images, Music and font in preview no included
- Thank you and please rate if you like it
Images used in preview from Photodune