The main file contains 2 quicktime of the file: blue smoke 0:34 sec. and green smoke 0:34 sec. The audio isn’t included, but available here
1. Wonderful Lies by Fobee
2. Acoustic Harmony by Alchemist
AE CS5 project included.
After Effects Project Files and Motion Graphics
Stock Footage
City and People
Travel and Nature
All Stock Footage >>
Attention all VideoHive authors:
You may use any of my preview tracks for your projects provided you give my music track a link in your description. Also, please send me an email to let me know about your item so that I can include links to your item in my profile and item descriptions to help promote your project. Thanks! WebRa
All Music, Logos & Idents and Sound FX >>
Download Smoke 2 In 1 (Special Events)