Modelling & Rigging a Cartoon Parrot in Maya: Part 12

Final product image
What You’ll Be Creating

In this last part of the tutorial, I will show how to create wing fold controls. 

With every part of the tutorial, the rigging process becomes more complex. The rigging of a bird is always a complex task for riggers. I’ll show each and every step of wings rigging process to make your learning easy. 

1. Creating Wing Fold Controls

Step 1

a circle and place it at the right side as shown in the following image.

create a circle
create a circle

Step 2

Being in the
vertex selection mode, edit the vertices of the circle to shape it as a star.

edit the vertices
edit the vertices

Step 3

Rename this
star shaped curve as R_CtrlC_WingFold_01.

rename the curve
rename the curve

Step 4

With R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 selected,
go to Edit > Delete by Type > History command
to delete the history. Don’t forget to use Freeze

delete history
delete history

Step 5

Select R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 and R_CtrlC_Wing_a01 control curves respectively and press P key to make
the selected control curve as the parent.

make parent
make parent

Step 6

Make a duplicate
copy of R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 and place it at the left side. Rename it as L_CtrlC_WingFold_01.

rename the control
rename the control

2. Creating Custom Attributes for Wing Fold Controls

Step 1

With both R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 and L_CtrlC_WingFold_01
selected, go to the channel editor. With Translate,
Rotate and Scale properties selected, do right click and select Hide Selected command to hide the selected

Hide Selected command
Hide Selected command

Step 2

With both
control curves selected, go to Modify
Add Attribute command.

Add Attributes command

Step 3

In the Add Attribute window, put the long name
as WingFold. In the Numeric 
Attribute Properties
, keep the values of  Minimum as 0, Maximum as 10 and Default as 0. Click on the OK button. 

Numeric  Attribute properties
Numeric Attribute properties

Step 4

With R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 curve selected, go to Animate > Set Driven Key >

set key
set key

Step 5

In the Set Driven Key window, select R_CtrlC_WingFold_01 and click on Load
button to add the channel properties in the Driver group.

Load Driver and Set Driven Key
Load Driver and Set Driven Key

Step 6

the same procedure, select
, R_CtrlC_Wing_b01
and R_CtrlC_Wing_c01 and then click
on Load Driven button in the Set Driven Key window.

After that, with
all control curves and their Translate
and Rotate properties selected, click
on Key button to set the initial key.

click on Key
click on Key

Step 7

With R_CtrlC_Shoulder_a01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_b01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_c01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_d01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_a01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_b01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_c01,
R_CtrlC_Wrist_a01, R_CtrlC_Wrist_b01 and R_CtrlC_Wrist_c01 selected, load all
these in the Driven group. 

With all Translate, Rotate and custom attributes
Fan and Twist selected, click on Key
button to add new initial key frame.

click on Key
click on Key

Step 8

With CC_FeatherMiddle_a01, CC_FeatherMiddle_b01, CC_FeatherMiddle_C01 and Rotate Z selected, click on Key button to add initial key.

click on Key
click on Key

Step 9

It’s time to
create secondary key. Select R_CtrlC_Wing_a01,
R_CtrlC_Wing_b01 and R_CtrlC_Wing_c01 and Translate XYZ and Rotate XYZ properties.

create secondary key
create secondary key

Step 10

With the
control curves selected, set it like wing fold as shown in the following image.

wing fold
wing fold

Step 11

CC_FeatherMiddle_a01, CC_FeatherMiddle_b01 and CC_FeatherMiddle_C01 also like feather

feather fold
feather fold

Step 12

In this way,
adjust the maximum fold of wings and then add secondary key.

add secondary key
add secondary key

Step 13

adjusting the controls like wings fold, you can see the result as shown in the
following image.

adjust the wing fold control
adjust the wing fold control

Step 14

With CC_FeatherMiddle_a01, CC_FeatherMiddle_b01, CC_FeatherMiddle_C01 and Rotate Z selected, click on Key button to add secondary key as shown
in the following image.

click on Key
click on Key

Step 15

With R_CtrlC_Shoulder_a01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_b01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_c01, R_CtrlC_Shoulder_d01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_a01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_b01, R_CtrlC_Elbow_c01,
R_CtrlC_Wrist_a01, R_CtrlC_Wrist_b01 and R_CtrlC_Wrist_c01 selected, load them
in Driven group. With custom attributes
Fan and Twist selected, click on Key
button to add new Initial key frame.

click on Key
click on Key

Step 16

With the
same driven group objects selected, select Translate XYZ, Rotate XYZ
and Twist attributes. 

Arrange the controls for the proper wings fold and
then click on Key button to add secondary key. 

click on Key and add secondary button
click on Key and add secondary button

Step 17

To add some
more folds of the wings, select R_CtrlC_WingFold and set its value to 10
in the channel editor. 

Click on Key button to add the final key. 

click on Key
click on Key 

Step 18

the same way, set Maximum 10 value
for all control curves one by one.

set maximum value for all control curves
set maximum value for all control curves

Step 19

Finally, the
set driven key process for controlling wings for animation is completed. 

the set driven key is completed
the set driven key is completed

Step 20

the same process, complete the wings rig controls for the left side also. Now
it’s time to color the controls curves to be identified easily.

create wing rig controls for opposite side also
create wing rig controls for opposite side also

Step 21

With CtrlC_Pelvis01 selected, press Ctrl-A key to open Attribute Editor. In the Attribute Editor,
under Drawing Overrides tab, turn on
Enable Overrides option. Set the Color
as red.

colorize the controls
colorize the controls

You can see
the result.

the result
the result

Step 22

the same process, colorize all controls curves with different colors. 

colorize all controls
colorize all controls

Step 23

The rig is
finally complete. You can now animate it by using controls. 

final rig
final rig

Download Modelling & Rigging a Cartoon Parrot in Maya: Part 12

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