Actionscript 3 Side Scroller Games Tutorial for Mobile Devices or Browser-Play – 3 Hour Tutorial in High Definition Video
This video tutorial covers every step in programming a side scrolling Flash-based game. Use the arrows keys to move the character around and attack enemy sprites. We also teach alternate code to use with a mobile device’s accelerometer (tested on the Android & iPhone OS). Plus this lesson focuses on Object Oriented Programming, beginning with the basics of creating a custom countdown clock class, and then progressively gets more advanced. For example, we create a BoundaryObject that handles collisions against the boundary for both the player and any enemy subclasses. Once you’ve worked through the tutorial, you will be able to:
- Add new classes for different enemies
- Add new classes for objects like coins to collect
- Swap in new art to easily create new levels (just cut and paste, or draw in new art)
- Add more levels, including animated platforms that the player could collide with or ride up and down on
- Add more objectives (items to pick up, areas on the board to go to)
- Adjust how many enemies are on stage, where they spawn from, and how often they appear
- Change the physics of the game, speed or attack intensities of the enemies
All source files are included and the .fla files are compatible with Flash CS3 , CS4 and CS5 . To test exporting for mobile devices, you’ll need the Adobe Air packager extension for either Flash CS5 or Flash CS5 .5 (already included with CS5 .5)