Develop Your Style and Retouch for It (Shooting)

Simon Plant takes us on location to Shapwick Heath on the wetlands of Somerset in England and films his shooting process, then takes us into his editing process.

Trying to shoot something that does not fit your vision then hoping Photoshop will come to the rescue will not produce fulfilling imagery. To prove this point, Simon Plant takes us on location to Shapwick Heath on the wetlands of Somerset in England.

Here we explore several promising locations where Simon attempts to capture images that keep with his personal vision/style. He discusses what he’s trying to get from the shots and explains why some don’t work for him although he tries to produce them anyway.

Back in the studio we are shown some of the images Simon captured, and we are shown the finished files before being taken step-by-step through the retouching of one of the images. Simon shows how the various adjustments can help accentuate what you have captured with the camera.

Download Develop Your Style and Retouch for It (Shooting)

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