Get Going with Google AdWords (Business)

In Get Going with Google AdWords, author Chandler Nguyen introduces you to the AdWords phenomenon, where you can bypass weeks or months of attempts to get your site to the top of Google search queries by bidding for keywords.

This book will help you get started with setting up simple, water-tight campaigns to promote your blog, website or business. You’ll learn all the ins and outs of launching and reporting on a campaign, understanding the search behavior of your target audience, and how to generate more traffic to your site!

Find out why and how so many people are using Google AdWords to help them get the measured results they want!



  • What to Expect from This Book 7
  • Why Buy the Cow When You Can Get the Milk for Free? 8

Get on the First Page of Google in Minutes 11

  • What is Google AdWords? 12
  • How Does it Work? 13
  • The Functionality 13
  • Search Engine Marketing 13
  • What Can AdWords Do for Me? 14
  • Pricing 15

Keyword Research 17

  • Example One: ThemeForest 17
  • Step 1: What is Your Audience Searching For? 18
  • Step 2: List Potential Keywords 19
  • Step 3: Build Up Your Keyword List 20
  • Step 4: Add and Download a List of Keywords You Want to Use 24
  • Step 5: Checking Out the Competition 26
  • Example Two: ActiveDen 26
  • Step 1: What is Your Audience Searching For? 26
  • Step 2: List Potential Keywords 26
  • Step 3: Build Up Your Keyword List 26
  • Step 4: Add Your List of Keywords 28
  • Step 5: Checking Out the Competition 29
  • Generic vs. Specific Keywords and Search Terms 29

Setting Up an Account with Google 32

  • Sign up to Google AdWords 32
  • Signing in to Your AdWords Account 33
  • Creating Your First Campaign 34
  • Campaign Settings 34
  • Ad Copy 37
  • Making Your Ad Bold 40
  • Google’s Ad Ranking Formula 41
  • Understanding Quality Score 44
  • A Note on Your Landing Page 47
  • Select Keywords 47
  • Billing 48
  • Making Your Campaign Live 50

Navigating and Monitoring Campaign Performance 54

  • Creating Another Campaign 57
  • Using the Campaign Tab 58
  • Changing Graph Options 59
  • Filter and Views 61
  • Viewing Reports 63

Return on Investment 67

  • A Note on Conversion Tracking 69

The Google Content Network: Frequently Asked Questions 72

  • Why do other sites partner with Google? 73
  • Which sites are in the Google Content Network? 73
  • How can I put my ads on these sites? 74
  • How much does it cost to advertise on the Network? 75
  • How do I monitor my campaign’s performance? 75
  • Can I stop my campaign? 75
  • Can I use rich media ads? 75

AdWords: Frequently Asked Questions 77

  • Can I purchase a higher placement for my search ads? 77
  • How can I get my ads to display above search results? 77
  • I chose postpay for payment. Can I change to prepay? 78
  • How does Google decide the cost per click I will pay? 78
  • Why do my ads only appear intermittently? 79

Pre-launch Checklist 81

  • Meaningful Campaign and Group Names 81
  • Separate Campaigns for Google Search and Google Content 81
  • Correct Target Market and Language Settings 81
  • Correct Account Timezone 81
  • Account Currency 82
  • Daily Budget and End Date 82
  • Other Campaign Settings 82
  • Show Relevant Addresses With Your Ads 82
  • Demographics 83
  • Position Preference 83
  • Ad Rotation 83
  • Frequency Capping 83
  • Appendix A: The Google AdWords Editor 85
    Appendix B: Further Reading 86
    About The Author 87

    Download Get Going with Google AdWords (Business)

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