GetSiteControl giveaway: 30 monthly accounts to win!

30 lucky winners will get a chance to use GetSiteControl for a month for free. That means you can add subscription, contact, and survey forms, promo popups, floating bars and Live chat to your website and boost user engagement.
Keep reading to learn more about GetSiteControl and find out how to win a monthly account.

What is GetSiteControl

GetSiteControl is a set of 7 call-to-action widgets that help increase user engagement and generate leads. You can use it on any website by adding a short code snippet right before the </body> tag or by installing a dedicated plugin from the WordPress directory.

What you get is 7 marketing tools managed from a single dashboard:

  • Email subscription forms
  • Contact forms
  • Survey forms
  • Promo popups and bars
  • Live chat
  • Social media follow buttons
  • Social media share buttons

You can adjust widgets to the style of your website and fine-tune the way they are displayed to the visitors. For example, there is an easy way to add a cookie banner, promote lead magnets, offer a callback, create an exit-intent popup or a survey for any webpage.

Real-time statistics is available right in the dashboard, plus you can integrate GetSiteControl with Google Analytics to track its performance. And if you feel geeky about conversion optimization, you can A/B test multiple variations of each widget to achieve maximum results.

The app integrates with all the popular email marketing services including MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact and others – to easily send the captured emails to the tool of your choice. Plus, you can connect the Live Chat widget to Slack and communicate with website visitors on-the-go.

What makes GetSiteControl different

Clearly, this is not the newest concept on the market, and you will probably be able to name a few other form builders right off the top of your head. So, why should you be interested in checking out another solution? Well, here is a couple of advantages you might want to know about.

First, GetSiteControl combines 7 standalone tools under one roof, whereas many other solutions that only bring just email opt-ins, surveys, or contact forms. Second, you get flexible targeting capabilities for creating more personalized calls-to-action. Not only can you trigger widgets based on the user on-page behavior – time spent, scroll depth, or exit-intent – but you can also target specific audiences based on their characteristics such as language, location, UTM, the number of pages viewed, referral source, devices, and more.

And because you’re not limited by the number of widgets, there’s literally no limit for optimization opportunities either.

How to enter the giveaway

If GetSiteControl sounds like the app that could help your website grow, we encourage you to participate. There are 30 accounts to give away, so the chances to win are pretty high! Here is what you need to do:

The first 30 commenters will be able to use GetSiteControl Plus for a month. The plan includes all the above-described advanced features, an unlimited number of widgets, and up to 500K widget monthly views. So, you’ll have enough functionality to make use of.
Good luck!

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