Giveaway: Win a copy of the PE beauty center WordPress theme

All you need for a successful site!

It is standard nowadays that the theme includes tons of settings like unlimited theme colors, over 600 fonts or layout configuration with collapsible widget positions, so PE Beauty Center also does. Even more, excepting the general settings you may set the specific display options for blog, posts, pages or a contact page. You will find the detailed specification of each theme area in the open access documentation, and won’t have to wonder what you expect but check the flexibility of the theme.

Each beauty salon should have a list of available services for customers. With this theme you may create a comprehensive presentation of your company services and display them in an eye catching way by combining simple layout options. Display the image for each service, add the title and subtitle – it may be a service price or something special about the item. Then write the full description for the service to let your customer learn more about it.

Watch this short video and see how simple submitting the service is:

Moreover, you may optionally introduce your team to your customers by creating short description or portfolio of your workers. There are 2 custom widgets you may use for displaying team members.

The theme is fully widgetized and includes several custom widgets created for its purpose. Amongst others this WordPress theme for a beauty center provides lots of useful custom codes and shortcodes, awesome fonts, off canvas sidebar, social Addthis sharing integration or any code injection and a lot more! It’s also RTL compatible.

It’s worth mentioning that Revolution Slider is included in the theme price which is extremely low now! You may get it for $29 + have installed the demo copy for free if you send us a secret code, which is “catswhocode”.

PE Beauty Center is a responsive spa and beauty WordPress theme, lightweight, fast loading and mobile friendly – it supports mobile devices. You may check the high web performance scoring on PixelEmu site.

Watch the full theme presentation and catch other important info:

The giveaway

So, do you want a free copy of this amazing theme? If yes, retweet this post, like Pixelemu on Facebook and leave a comment below. In one week, I’ll randomly pick a lucky winner who’ll receive the theme by email directly by Pixelemu. Best of luck to you!

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