Firefox is the alternate browser we all switched to back when the rest of the world was using IE 6. It was refreshing, with far better standards compliance and performance than other browsers at the time. We’d customize our Firefox install with themes and extensions, have our own favorite shortcuts and default tabs. It was the serious web user’s browser.
Then, Safari happened. Google, Firefox’ chief supporter, built Chrome. Microsoft even got its act together, and made current versions of IE far less reprehensible. And casual browsing shifted to smartphones and tablets, where the built-in browser is all most people think to use.
Firefox is still around, with decent marketshare, even, but the energy feels gone. The newest extensions come out for Chrome first. Firefox’ UI still doesn’t fit with modern OS X’ scrollbars and pinch-to-zoom, and it still feels more sluggish than Chrome.
So why stick with it? But then, many still do. So today, we’d love to hear why you’ve stuck with Firefox. If you still use Firefox regularly, we’d love to hear why in the comments below!