You got Photoshop or Pixelmator or Acorn to create. A Dropbox or Droplr account to share. Email or FTP to send off your creations. But you got a Dribbble account to show off.
That’s not bad — we all want to show off our best work, after all. But really, Dribbble is the place we go when we’ve whipped up some beautiful pixels and want to show them off and let everyone ooh and ahh over them. And what matters most is that people see what we designed, like it, comment on it, or even rebound it with their own design ideas.
And so, for the seriously Dribbbler, LastShot is the app you need to track all the stats on your latest shot.
Track Your Latest, or Your Best
From the team behind PassLocker, the beautifully simple menubar password app, LastShot is a menubar app to track the stats on one Dribbble shot with much the same style as PassLocker. You simply enter your Dribbble username and it’ll grab your latest shot (and then refresh to your newest shot as soon as you upload a new shot), or enter the address of a particular Dribbble shot you want to track. It’s most fun to track your own shots, of course, but you could also use it to spy on other people’s shot stats — but remember, you can only track one shot at a time.
Seconds after you’ve entered the shot address or account name to track, LastShot will pull up the picture and the related stats. You’ll see at a glance how many views, hearts, rebounds, and comments it’s gotten, as well as how many buckets it’s been added to. Right above the stats, you’ll see what position the shot is in the current popular 250 list, as well as how long it’s been since the shot was added. If a shot has more than 10,000 views/comments/likes, the numbers will roll up to the nearest hundred (e.g. 12.8k).
What self-respecting Mac app doesn’t have notifications?
What self-respecting Mac app these days wouldn’t have push notifications? Rounding off its simple feature set, you’ll get notifications whenever your shot gets new likes, comments, or moves up in the popular list. The notifications are still only for this one picture, but seeing as most Dribbblers don’t upload multiple shots a day (what with your upload limit and all), that’s plenty to stay on top of your shot’s activity. It gives Dribbble the native Mac integration you already expect from social networks and email, and will keep you from having to check nonstop.
That’s basically all there is to LastShot, beyond the settings screen. Here, you can remove the shot or account you’re currently tracking, set LastShot to launch when you start your Mac, choose how often it should check for notifications, and pick what you’ll get notifications about.
And that’s it. It does what it’s designed for — tracking the stats on a Dribbble shot or the latest upload to a particular Dribbble account — perfectly.
Your Best Shot for Tracking Dribbble Stats
So, if you’ve wanted a simpler way to track Dribbble stats, here’s the app you need. It’s $1.99, cheap enough to make it an impulse buy if you’ve got to know your latest Dribbble stats. It’s pretty, works great, and is the perfect Mac companion to Dribbble. If you’d rather browse Dribbble itself and look around for inspiration, the $4.99 Play by Play app would be far better suited to your needs, but just for tracking your own scores, LastShot is great.
Now, if Dribbble would just add an upload API so LastShot could let you post new shots from the app, it’d be perfect.