Wunderlist Pro is Finally Here, with Task Delegation and More

Wunderlist has made quite a splash on the to-do list market, with free apps that work and look great on almost every platform. Perhaps it’s not as popular on the Mac thanks to our great selection of todo list apps (hello, OmniFocus, Things, and the rest of the awesome GTD apps on the App Store!).

Over time, Wunderlist has added features to its basic beginnings that make it a contender — nearly — with the top productivity apps. Now, it’s got $4.99/month pro accounts that bring unlimited subtasks, 8 new backgrounds, and (most importantly) task delegation. It’s ready to play in the big leagues now.

If you haven’t tried it in a while, be sure to check out the full article on Web.AppStorm to see how Wunderlist has matured and what it offers today. You just might want to give it another shot.

Continue reading on our full review of Wunderlist Pro at Web.AppStorm…


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