Another week is close to an end here at AppStorm and we gathered the top headlines, articles and deals from all over the web that may interest you.
Do you want a sneak peek? Mailplane is out of beta, Adobe releases public beta of Lightroom 5, Wunderlist announcing their Pro plan and Pocket’s first birthday.
Have a nice reading!
News from the World of Apps
?After 10 Years Apple Continues Music Download Dominance in the U.S.?
This is expected news, as iTunes is definitely the better known place to purchase music. However, what is really interesting about these statistics is the rise of Amazon. Apple has a 63% market share, but it used to be 68% in 2011, meanwhile, Amazon had 15% back then and now holds 22%. That’s a lot. Reuters went on in detail about Amazon’s growth, check it out.
?Mailplane 3 is out of beta?
It doesn’t matter what is your desktop email client, you probably have a Gmail account, and its web app has had several improvements after the Sparrow team joined them. Mailplane’s new version is for those who prefer the typical web interface and it now supports Gmail’s new compose mode, Quick Look previews for attachments, integration with Notification Center and much more.
Mailplane 3 is out of beta and up to bring Gmail to your desktop.
?Adobe launches free public beta for Lightroom 5?
Lightroom is Adobe’s answer to Aperture. The upcoming version’s beta just got released for anyone to give it a shot and help improve the photo workshop. It kept the core editing barely untouched but brought a new feature called Smart Previews, built to save photographers on the field using lighter computers like a MacBook Air. There is much more to check and you can read a bit more on The Verge.
Pocket introduces Send to Friend feature to celebrate 1-year of service.
I love Pocket and I salute them for their first birthday since changing the brand, and now we’re the unwrapping the gifts with this new feature. Pocket isn’t getting a social networking side, but rather the updated Share Menu makes it easy to send articles to recently used contacts. Don’t miss the video that Pocket shares with you after the update.
Pocket celebrates its first year by making sharing to contacts easier.
?iSteve, the Steve Jobs mockumentary is available online?
Comedy site FunnyOrDie released its 78-minutes comedy about Steve Jobs’s life featuring Justin Long for free to watch online. There are two ‘serious’ Jobs’ biopics in the Hollywood queue, the one starring Ashton Kutcher and the other penned by screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network). This one, though, is more of an alternate-reality parody of Jobs’ life, one you’ll likely not terribly enjoy.
?Wunderlist announces upcoming Pro plan?
I always found out pretty strange that Wunderlist offered no paid subscription for additional features, but that’s all changed now. Wunderlist Pro is coming soon, and will be focused on teams and comes with long-desired features like assigning tasks, add accountability to shared lists, smarter task management, etc. Subscriptions will be priced at $4.99 (monthly) and $44.99 (yearly). We’ll have more info when it’s launched.
The Pro plan for Wunderlist is announced to bring the best features for teams.
?Evernote CEO: “We want to build hardware”?
Seems like the note-taking service will join the fight with other major companies and start developing hardware in the soon future. Instead of the regular market, Phil Libin states an investment into “new and magical” devices. You should check the whole interview up in our link to read what Phil has to say about Evernote’s security issues, market competition, and more.
The Best App Deals for Your Mac
?Mail Stationery? $19.99 > $1.99
?SnapNDrag Pro? $5.99 > $2.99
?Horus News Dealer? (NEW) $7.99
?Tadam? $3.99 > $2.99
Tadam is a really easy to setup pomodoro timer.
Mailplane 3 (NEW) $24.95
?Bluenote? (NEW) $9.99 (you can buy it for $6.99 ?here?)
?Fasten? (NEW) $1.99
?Solar Walk – 3D Solar System model? $9.99 > $4.99
?Boom? $7 > $4
Give a boost to your music with Boom.
?Writedown? $5.99 > $2.99
?VirusBarrier Plus? $9.99 > $7.99
?Moneydance? $50 > $33.49
?Priority Matrix? $20 > $11.99
?Papers? $79 > $54
Don’t mess up your research for academic essays with Papers.
?Name your Price Mac Bundle 2.0? $399 > Name it, beat the average to grab all apps, including Crossover, Gemini and Paperless.
?The Corporate Bundle? $20 Contains more than 50+ design resources for your business.
?MacHeist nanoBundle 3? $260 > $9.99 For this price you can have up to 8 apps. The basic set already includes Fantastical, CleanMyMac 2, Clarify, xScope and Totals. After a number of bundles sold, every bundler also acquires PathFinder and Little Inferno.
Interesting Reads for the Week
?Some thoughts after recovering from a hard drive failure?
?OS X’s Most Underestimated Feature?
?How To Price and Sell Your Startup’s Product?
?An ode to iTunes DJ, a beloved feature that died before its time?
?Where No Search Engine Has Gone Before?
?Readerpocalypse – The Players?
?This is why Apple wants to launch iRadio?
Did We Miss Anything?
That’s all of the news, deals, and interesting links for this week, but if there’s anything you think we missed, be sure to let us know in the comments below. Otherwise, check back next Thursday for more Mac news, deals, and more!