Weekly Poll: Will You Buy Mountain Lion Right Away?
WWDC brought a little more clarity to the story of Apple’s next major operating system: OS X Mountain Lion. There were no real surprises, but we should all have a solid idea of what’s to come.
Because of the Mac App Store’s inability to handle paid upgrades, many tech blogs and Mac users have been speculating lately that Apple would transition us all into a utopian world of free software upgrades. I never bought that story for a second and Mountain Lion’s recently announced $20 price tag validates my skepticism. Personally, I think $20 is a small price to pay given that it’s not unprecedented for operating systems to cost over $100.
However, plenty of people are not happy about the dream of free operating system upgrades vanishing. For this and other reasons, I’m sure there are many users out there who will hesitate to hit the download button on the day that Mountain Lion releases.
In this week’s poll, we want to know if you’ll be among the early adopters who will download Mountain Lion right away or if there is something holding you back. Cast your vote in the poll and leave a comment below explaining your answer.