As always every Wednesday, here are our weekly picks of the best (and free) deals on the App Store for this week.
Happy downloading!
Found is a great little utility that lets you find not only files lurking on your Mac but also in your Gmail and Google Docs accounts as well. Tapping CTRL twice brings up the search pane on the left hand side of the screen and once you’ve authorised the app to access your Google account (that’s if you have one, of course!) then you can start searching your e-mail and Google Docs without even having to load up your web browser. You can also preview them directly on the desktop as well. Found has been featured on sites such as TNW and VentureBeat, so go ahead and grab it whilst it’s still hot!
Price: Free
Developer: Found Software Inc
App Store link: Found

Instead of memorising all those endless keyboard shortcuts for all your favourite programs or writing them down on scraps of paper and pinning them up around your computer, download CheatSheet instead. All you have to do is simply hold down the Command key for a couple of seconds and a window will pop up with all the keyboard shortcuts in that application. CheatSheet works with pretty much every single Mac program, including more advanced ones like Photoshop and can save you an awful lot of time in the long run. All for the grand price of nothing as well.
Price: Free
Developer: Stefan Fürst
App Store link: CheatSheet
Folder Tidy
I’m an absolute stickler for having a tidy desktop and I hate it when it is cluttered up with random files and folder, but often I can’t be bothered to sort each file into a folder. This is where Folder Tidy comes in. It automatically assigns files on your desktop into subfolders depending on the file type (for example, documents created in Word or Pages can go into one folder, images into another and so on) and you can also set it to ignore certain files and folders if you don’t want anything moved. The app has loads of customisation possibilities and has an average rating of 4.5 stars on the App Store, so go ahead and grab it whilst it’s still free!
Price: € 3.99 – free
Developer: Tuna Belly Software
App Store link: Folder Tidy

Pixen is a nifty lightweight pixel editor for your Mac with a unique colour palette system, patterns, layers and high-zoom support. You can create short GIF animations using it (bring on the stick men wars!) and the app includes plenty of tools to help you, including the standard ones along with rectangular selection, magic wand and lasso tools. Pixen also supports pressure-sensitive tablets and integrates fully with OS X Lion’s full-screen mode.
Price: Free
Developer: Matt Rajca
App Store link: Pixen
Oh, and one more thing…

Divvy is a great little tool to help you manage your windows on your Mac. Simply drag the window you want to resize into the app and it will automatically shrink it and sends to it to a particular area of your screen. You don’t even have to go to the trouble of dragging the window into Divvy – the app will let you assign shortcuts so you can shrink it down with the touch of a key. Divvy supports multiple monitors and is currently 84% off thanks to an extended Two Dollar Tuesday promotion (however this ends today).
Price: $ 13.99 – $1.99
Developer: Mizage LLC
App Store link: Divvy
Check Back Next Week!
Remember to check back next Wednesday for some more hot (and free) App Store deals and if you can hardly wait until then, feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the apps featured above!