Free App Store Deals This Week

As always every Wednesday, here are our weekly picks of the best (and free) deals on the App Store for this week.

Happy downloading!



Flutter is a great little app that lets you control Spotify, iTunes, QuickTime and VLC using hand gestures via your Mac’s in-built webcam. You can play and pause your music using simple gestures and no additional software is required – just install it and start waving. It even works if apps are running in the background. Although the range of hand gestures is a little limited at the moment, the app is free for the time being until new gestures are developed, so go ahead and grab it. Just make sure you tell the people around you what you’re doing though…

Price: Free
Developer: Bot Square Inc
App Store link: Flutter

Doitim Mini Mini is the lite version of, a great little utility that sits in your menu bar and allows you to add notes, to-dos and short memos quickly and easily. The app allows you to focus on what’s important for that day by showing you the Today view and you can also mark off tasks as completed, which is useful if, for example, you have to write weekly or monthly reports. If you sign up for a free account, then your data will be synced every 5 minutes to their servers as backup, and there are also iPhone and Android versions of the app available as well (both are free), meaning you can view and edit your notes and memos wherever you are.

Price: € 0.79 – free
Developer: Xu Zhe
App Store link: Mini



If you’re an iPhone or iPad developer, then ShipIt! will most certainly come in useful for you. It allows you to resize images to fit the displays for both devices without having to play around with pixel width and ratios in an external image editor. You simply drag the image into the app, select the target device and ShipIt! does the rest for you. Images can be exported in PNG, TIFF and JPEG formats and you can convert either single or multiple images all at once. ShipIt! is fully customisable (meaning it will theoretically resize images for any display) and supports the higher resolution retina displays of both the iPhone 4 and 4S as well as the new iPad.

Price: € 0.79 – free
Developer: MacSpots
App Store link: ShipIt!



Scrawl is another great little note-taking utility which sits unobtrusively in your menu bar ready for you to use it. It integrates well with iCloud on OS X Lion, meaning that all your notes are synchronised across all your computers automatically (no iPad and iPhone sync as of yet) and you can add notes at the touch of a button – simply click on the + and start tapping away. Scrawl is Mountain Lion ready (and according to the developers is even better in the new release of OS X) and is currently free until Scrawl 2 is released.

Price: € 1.59 – free
Developer: Allen Dunahoo
App Store link: Scrawl

Pentaballs HD

Pentaballs HD

Sometimes, the best games are often the simplest ones, and this is exactly what Pentaballs HD is. The game is based on Noughts and Crosses and the aim is to stop your opponent (which can either be another human player or the computer) from forming a line of 5 marbles by blocking them and twisting one of the four game blocks. It’s an extremely simple, yet utterly addictive, game concept and for the grand price of nothing, it’s definitely worth it for some mindless procrastination.

Price: € 0.79 – free
Developer: R2 Soft
App Store link: Pentaballs HD

Check Back Next Week!

Remember to check back next Wednesday for some more hot (and free) App Store deals and if you can hardly wait until then, feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the apps featured above!

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