Thanks to Our Weekly Sponsor – Papapapaya

Our featured sponsor this week is Papapapaya, a fun and effective way to learn vocabulary using state of the art techniques from learning psychology.

Whether you’re looking to learn a new language or brush up on your native tongue, Papapapaya can help you drastically expand your vocabulary. Its innovative learning mode, which is organizes words into learning levels instead of folders, will help you to remember new words more easily.

One of Papapapaya’s most helpful features is its intelligent quizzes, which will always ask you the words that are best to be rehearsed at the very moment. There’s also a pop-up quiz mode that will quiz you on single words from the background while you do something else.

Papapapaya isn’t a shallow flash card app, it’s a powerful and robust vocabulary learning aid with a ton of great features such as Dropbox support, multiple language support, iOS syncing, detailed graphs and statistics to track your progress, extensive import/export options, and a lot more.

Go Get It!

If you’re looking for a better way to improve your vocabulary in any language, Papapapaya is your answer. Go grab your copy from the Papapapaya website today. There’s also a completely free accompanying iOS app that syncs with the desktop version!

Think you’ve got a great app? Sign up for a Weekly Sponsorship slot just like this one.

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