Alfred 1.1 Released, Featuring Address Book Contact Viewer And More

Since Alfred was released last year, it’s become an essential timesaver for pretty much every single Mac user, as it allows you to launch applications and find files quickly and easily. Now, the Cambridge-based company have pushed out an update to this popular app, Alfred 1.1, adding several improvements and a few new goodies.

Alfred 1-1

The Alfred 1.1 update was released yesterday with new features and several improvements

If you’ve chosen to pay for the Powerpack (which is available for the measly price of £15 – around $24), then the update adds an Address Book contact viewer, which allows you to search for your contacts and display all the information saved about them directly in Alfred, rather than having to open them up in OS X’s address book. You’ll have to enable this feature first though (go to Preferences > Features > Address Book) for it to work properly. The contact viewer also allows you to integrate with your contacts a lot easier – for example you can dial your friend’s number via Skype or send him an e-mail directly from Alfred – a real bonus and timesaver for a lot of people.


The new Address Book contact viewer in Alfred 1.1, available only to Powerpack users.

The update has also added several subtle improvements and has fixed a whole list of bugs (for the full change log, see here). To grab hold of this brand spanking new update to a simply fantastic productivity app, head over to the download section of Alfred’s website to get it. The update has not yet been pushed out to those who have purchased Alfred from the App Store so in the meantime hold your horses or manually download it from their website.

As always, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Are you impressed with the new update? Has this made Alfred simply better for you? Let us know!

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