Thanks to Our Weekly Sponsor: CleanMyMac

I’d like to take a few moments to say thank you to our weekly sponsor, CleanMyMac.

CleanMyMac is a powerhouse of Mac maintenance. This all-in-one solution to keeping your Mac in tip top shape will help you free up hard drive space, purge those pesky universal binaries and extra languages, clear out unnecessarily large cache files, locate stranded unused files, clean your external drives, securely delete files and a lot more.

All of CleanMyMac’s 50+ features are packed into a gorgeous interface that’s as functional and easy to use as it is attractive. It’s the easiest way to get your Mac running smoother and faster!

Check It Out!

Take a look at the full feature list, watch the introductory video, and free up some time this week to give your Mac a thorough cleansing!

CleanMyMac is available on MacPaw’s site in two flavors: a $14.95 6-month license for emergency temporary tidying or a $29.95 license that gives you a lifetime of intense cleaning.

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