Weekly Poll: Do You Think Tim Cook Will Be a Good CEO?

Last week Steve Jobs announced that he was stepping down as CEO of Apple Inc. and passing the torch to his successor, Tim Cook. To put it mildly, Mr. Cook has some pretty large shoes to fill.

The last time Jobs left Apple, his replacements nearly ran the company into the ground. Profits were in the red, Microsoft had won the marketshare game and Apple’s stock price was at an all-time low. Steve came back as interim CEO in a sort of temporary fourth down Hail Mary that proved so successful that he stayed in the position for another fourteen years. Steve put Apple back on the map, made it the highest valued company on the planet and completely revolutionized a few industries along the way.

Fortunately, this time Steve was very active in surrounding himself with extremely talented people, such as former COO Tim Cook. Most industry experts see a positive outlook for Apple in the next few years, confident that people like Cook, Schiller, Ive and Forstall are more than competent enough to continue Apple’s reign.

Today we want to know what you think. Will Tim Cook, who has actually been filling in as CEO for quite some time, be able to lead Apple into a prosperous and exciting future or will we see a repeat of the 90s?

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