Jailbreak untethered iOS 8.0 – 8.0.1 – 8.0.2 – 8.1

A long time to jailbreak iOS 8: the risk is there and it depends on Apple and its errors on the last firmware.

I fear that the jailbreak iOS 8 will have a long time: my rating comes from the observation of the activities of hackers post release of the first iOS 8 and as a counterpart, the moves fielding just from Cupertino to improve their firmware.


It is no coincidence that after compromising iOS 8.0.1 (now retired) and the disappointing iOS 8.0.2 is already talk of the launch of iOS 8.1 expected for October 20 to put an end to bugs and system errors recorded by many users and damaging to the reputation of the brand itself. The firmware is evolving and hackers are watching.

Probably, experts in the hunt for future jailbreak have decided not to put his hand in a serious way to iOS 8 for a very simple reason: in addition to the forthcoming iOS 8.1 have already been spotted traces of iOS 8.2 and 8.3 in the works at developers Cupertino. In short, the next firmware will be neither definitive nor lasting, thus better to wait for better times.

One thing to emphasize is: in any case, the future protagonists of jailbreak iOS will always be 8 or Evad3trs the group consisting of Pod2g, MuscleNerd, and Planetbeing Pimskeks or the Chinese team Pangu, the protagonist of the last jailbreak iOS 7.1.2. all the rest is nothing new or better behind so-called hacker at work you can conceal the numerous false experts, all eager for easy money.
Especially the United States, proliferate tool to jailbreak iOS 8: too bad they’re all paid with a per capita expenditure that goes from 20 to 30 dollars. for those approaching for the first time to the unlock procedure, note that downloading the tool has always been free thanks to the work of volunteer hackers. Things will not change at all now, then keep your eyes open.

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