Jailbreak iOS 8: all the news for the release of the iPhone, iPad and iPod

All who wish to “unlock” their device Apple have remained high and dry for too long and in this article we will tell you what progress is being made to this process.

According to all the details that are circulating in the network, Apple is expected to release iOS 8, which is the major upgrade of its system during the day today ie 17 September, but for technical reasons the update may arrive in an official capacity in the following days.

With this new update will introduce a large number of news as it happened with iOS 7 and there are also many good reasons to make the Jailbreak IOS 8.


By means of the greatest twitter hackers who are dedicated to the total release of firmware from Apple show pride in their progress, and among these, namely Stefan Essar i0n1c has confirmed that a number of exploits used to unlock iOS 7.1.1 were always “open” and could also be used to carry out the work release for iOS 8 (only the beta version of this update) but there are still doubts about this.

On the other hand, even BlackGeek or a developer to balance Geeksn0w showed an unofficial version of Pangu that could work for the latest version of the firmware Apple; June always BlackGeek also added that it was planned to release the unofficial version of Pangu to jailbreak iOS Beta 8, but unfortunately there were no more further news on the matter.

The web is about  Jailbreak  iOS 8 is really saturated, so much so that a user has stated with great certainty of having made ??a successful jailbreak their iPhone with iOS 5 S 8, but is yet to be seen.

Despite the skepticism, the latter showed some screenshots that show the app Pangu with the Control Center right IOS 8 and also the same application Pangu that showed an iPhone 5S connected to the PC and mounted on iOS 8. What do you think ? And ‘the truth or is it a big lie? Have your say by commenting this article.

To make it even more unlikely the question posed by the user of the web is the fact that the development team that works behind the application Pangu has not defined whether or not work for the  Jailbreak  IOS 8 or less. Stay tuned on our website for all the news!

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