Ultrasn0w Fixer Updated With Support For Unlock iOS 6.0.1

Ultrasn0w fixer has been updated for support on those running the marginally-tweaked iOS 6.0.1, released by Apple a few days ago. So those of you looking to maintain the carrier unlock you’ve treasured for so long can now do so on the very latest firmware.

In all honesty, the list of improvements noted in the iOS 6.0.1 change log amount to very little, so if you’re a long-time Ultrasn0w user and accustomed to continually jumping through hoops when you update your firmware, you may want to skip iOS 6.0.1 altogether and wait for an update with a little more to it. With that said, bug fixes are bug fixes, and if you’re conscious about keeping everything up to date, you’ll be able to maintain your unlock by following the usual tutorial that we posted to unlock iOS 6. The procedure is exactly the same so there is no need redo a guide for it.

Ultrasn0w Fixer for iOS 6 will only work for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS users, and supports the following basebands:

  • 01.59.00
  • 04.26.08
  • 05.11.07
  • 05.13.01
  • 05.12.01
  • 06.15.00


In the early days of iOS, it was all about Ultrasn0w. A simple software solution through Cydia, a quick download and device reboot later, and you could slip any SIM you wanted into your iPhone. Times have changed now though, and the software-based unlock does not work for those running on newer hardware. Only the few having preserved their old and unlockable basebands can still use Ultrasn0w, but with the updates still arriving, the once-widespread tool is certainly not in danger of dying out anytime soon.

Step 1: Launch Cydia, and hit Manage, then Sources.

Step 2: Next, you’ll need to add the iparelhos repository. If you’ve been organized and re-added your sources from iOS 5, then it should already be there, but if not, select Edit and Add, and typehttp://repo.iparelhos.com before hitting Add Source.

Step 3: Next, download the latest official iteration of Ultrasn0w from Cydia.

Please ensure you install the official Ultrasn0w first BEFORE installing the Fixer, otherwise it will not work properly.

Step 4: Now browse for Ultrasn0w Fixer for 6.0 utility in Cydia. Next, tap the Install button and let Cydia work its magic.

That’s it! you should now have an unlocked iPhone.




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