We just received a few very interesting tidbits in our tips box this evening as it pertains to the Verizon iPhone and how Best Buy is training their employees to encourage customers to stay with AT&T.
As you can see in the document above, which we’ve confirmed is straight out of a Best Buy playbook, you can see that Big Blue is looking to talk down the Verizon model. What we haven’t confirmed is the reason why–is Best Buy not going to be selling the Verizon iPhone at launch? If not, it would make sense that they’d wanna downplay the phone that they aren’t selling so that they can continue moving phones that they actually stock.
Specifically mentioned is the fact that Verizon spent all of CES touting their 4G network, while the iPhone is a 3G device that will “still be puttering at EVDO speeds.” Kind of odd, since the AT&T phone does the same (although AT&T’s GSM is faster than Verizon’s CDMA.)
We’ve got one more image out of Best Buy’s playbook after the jump. Oh, and it looks like AT&T is gonna try and entice customer to stay by changing up the costs of their text messaging plans.
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